Lan Hoi Fm
Type Locality and Naming
Type section: Small stream on the flank to Khao Pra Thak, 10 km northwest of Khao Luang, Sukhothai province. The formation was named after Dan Lan Hoi, the town closest to Khao Luang (Bunopas, 1974, 1976c). Parent unit: middle formation in Dan Lan Hoi Gr.
Synonym: หมวดหินลานหอย
Lithology and Thickness
Red-brown, tuffaceous, arkosic and quartzose sandstone, reddish to brownish siltstone and brown to maroon shale passing up to brown spotted shale, and minor intra-formational conglomerate. Then shale interbedded with red-brown siltstone; white quartz sandstone, thick-bedded, with intercalation of brownish-grey shale; red shale and red calcareous siltstone; red brown arkosic sandstone, red shale and intraformational conglomerate; green-grey tuffaceous sandstone with weakly defined graded bedding interbedded with brownish green shale and siltstone. Slaty cleavage is developed in this formation. Thickness: 850 m
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Rests conformably on the Khao Khi Ma Fm
Upper contact
Regional extent
Northern Region: Sukhothai province. Correlation: Takhli and Chainat sandstone
Depositional setting
"The Lan Hoi Formation is considered to be of shallow-marine facies, presumably having avolcanic provenance, although its reddish fine siliciclastics suggest a partly continental origin (Bunopas 1981)." (Ueno & Charoentitirat, 2011)
Additional Information